Minggu, 13 Desember 2015

PDF⋙ Promotion Mix Strategies of ICAM through Social Media: International College of Automotive(ICAM) which is a member of DRB-HICOM by Muneer Sultana

Promotion Mix Strategies of ICAM through Social Media: International College of Automotive(ICAM) which is a member of DRB-HICOM by Muneer Sultana

Promotion Mix Strategies of ICAM through Social Media: International College of Automotive(ICAM) which is a member of DRB-HICOM

Promotion Mix Strategies of ICAM through Social Media: International College of Automotive(ICAM) which is a member of DRB-HICOM by Muneer Sultana PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Marketing plan is focused on the target market and made up of four key elements. These four elements are also known as the 4 Ps. One P is called the promotional mix and it contains advertising, public relations, personal selling and sales promotion. Newspapers were failing because of the availability of free news content in digital form and on social sites. Social media can be very effective for a small organization with a limited budget because it is cost effective, reaching many people over various channels for less cost. Social media play an important role in outreach efforts to prospective students. Prospective students are constantly faced with an overwhelming amount of advertising, especially online. Social media is the social interaction among people in which they create, share or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. Colleges and universities are using social media to recruit and research prospective students. It is clear that online behavior can have important consequences for young people and that social networking sites can, and will, be utilized by others to make decisions about them.

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