Weng's Chop #5 (Jungle Girl Cover) by Tim Paxton, Brian Harris, Tony Strauss
Weng's Chop #5 (Jungle Girl Cover) by Tim Paxton, Brian Harris, Tony Strauss PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
WENG'S CHOP'S BIGGEST, BADDEST, BEST ISSUE YET! Join the geeks of WENG'S CHOP as they dig deep thru the outer reaches of oddball and obscure to bring you the wildest and weirdest in global cinema! This issue includes an insane amount of interviews, reviews and articles written by people from all walks of life, with all kinds of tastes in film. Over 250 pages of cinematic sludge, motion picture mayhem and exploitation gold! If you're tired of the same old, same old and you'd like to check out something unique, give Weng's Chop Magazine issue #5 a try!From reader reviews:
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